Back-up rollers Multi-roll cold mill stands are described using different terms depending on their type and manufacturer: ■ 12 and 20 roll stand ■ Z-High.■ S-High. Multi-roll cold rolling mills are u
2021/06/09 liyulong126 172
Backing Bearings for Multi-Roll Rolling Cluster Mills - (Replace NSK) A list of available bearings can be found in the following dimensions table. For any dimensions which are not on the table, please consult FV.
2021/06/08 liyulong126 104
Code list of available bearings can be found in the following dimensions table. For any dimensions which are not on the table, please consult FV. Sendzimir mill bearings from FV BEARING INDUSTRIES
2021/06/08 liyulong126 166
各件轴承清单Make of Branin sparerprtar 位置Location 轴承名称 Name 轴承型号 Model 1-6寸辊箱备件 6 Inch roller box spare parts 滑动轴承 sliding bearing GXJ135-09/6"-35 MRC Morgan 6寸辊箱备件 6 Inch roller box spare parts
2021/03/11 liyulong126 178
At present, the tapered roller bearing made in China can be used in many enterprises. According to statistics. Tapered roller bearings made by FV account for 30%. And the bearings made by FV are mainly for high-end market. FV bearing can perfectly replace NSK and Timken
2021/02/09 liyulong126 591
100KDE1801+L Tapered roller bearing, Boundary Dimensions:100x180x80/54mm, Mass:7.5Kg, CHINA MANUFACTURER100KDE2001+L Tapered roller bearing, Boundary Dimensions:100x200x116/80mm, Mass:15.1Kg, CHINA MA
2021/02/03 liyulong126 626
130KBE30+L Tapered roller bearing, Boundary Dimensions:130x200x52/46mm, Mass:5.4Kg, CHINA MANUFACTURER130KBE030+L Tapered roller bearing, Boundary Dimensions:130x200x65/52mm, Mass:6.4Kg, CHINA MANUFAC
2021/02/03 liyulong126 480
& MORGOIL bearingsFV bearings comply with the requirement that the bearings of high-speed wire rod finishing mills must work continuously, reliably and stably at high speed and high impact. We use
2021/01/13 liyulong126 85